Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Libro - The Liberation of the Book - January 2013



If you find this book open, wrap it up into the plastic screen cover and fasten the suction button into the flat metal button hole.
Then open it again.         

If you find the book is closed, unbutton the suction cup through the flat metal button hole.

Open the hard cover of the book to reveal the metal spine coil and press ici to play happy birthday song. It may, or may not, be your birthday.

Flip pages of book and read in any order that makes sense to you.  If you find some loose pages you may put them in another order that makes more sense to you.  You may add things to this book, as well.
Can you find the two humming birds resting in these pages?  Please don’t disturb them if you do.

You may disturb other things in the book but don’t try to put anything away in your pockets.
This book is meant to be enjoyed by others, so leave its spine in place. 

It can be left open or closed but is best left unlocked for easy access.
Of the brain.

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